Mabel Filpo

Community Programs Specialist

Bachelor of Arts Major in Sociology, and Minor in Early Childhood Education

Relevant Work Experience:

Five years of experience working with nonprofit early childhood education in New York City. My experience includes providing expectant parents with community resource information, facilitating age-appropriate activities to parents during home visits and family engagement events, and coordinating childcare provider’s professional development trainings on family engagement and child development topics. I also promoted school readiness, family advocacy, and further engagement topics to families in community district 3 and 5 in the Bronx. 

Why You Work at Frameworks:

Growing up I always knew I wanted to work supporting children and families in our community. Frameworks of Tampa Bay empowers families and educators by providing tools to help them strengthen the skills that children need to succeed. I am happy I can support Frameworks in its mission and provide our early childhood educators with social emotional learning resources and training. Now, I can continue making a positive change in our community.