As a non-profit organization, Frameworks depends on the support of individual donors, foundations, and corporate sponsors to help us fulfill our mission and expand our impact.
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Support Our Organization

Frameworks relies on the generosity and support of both individuals and corporations. Our donors’ support is what allows us to fufill our mission and help the community.

Sponsor An Event
Sponsoring an event is an excellent way to not only support us but also to give back to the community.

Gift of Stock
Increase the tax efficiency of your gift by donating appreciated shares of stock directly to Frameworks, or donate from your IRA tax-free. Strategies like these allow you to contribute funds to Frameworks that would otherwise be paid in taxes. Please contact us to learn more about these giving strategies and how they might further reduce your tax bill while also supporting our cause.
Our Impact

The boys in this photo are from one of our partner schools; here, they are applying social and emotional skills to their lives by talking through an issue on the playground, using language like “I don’t like how…” and “That made me feel…” If these boys have these skills in kindergarten, imagine the impact on their academics, their lives, and their careers.
Social and emotional skills have both short-term and long-term results. The boys in this photo are from one of our partner schools; here, they are applying social and emotional skills to their lives by talking through an issue on the playground, using language like “I don’t like how…” and “That made me feel…” If these boys have these skills in kindergarten, imagine the impact on their academics, their lives, and their careers.
For every $1 Invested in social and emotional skills, Society gets an $11 ROI.

In fact, for every dollar invested in social and emotional skills, society sees an $11 return.1 When you invest in our work to provide training, coaching, and resources for educators, youth services professionals, and parents and guardians, the children in their care are able to build the social and emotional skills necessary for personal, academic, and professional success.